The submission deadline : 15 september 2024

The fourth call for flagship student travel grant nominations has been opened.

You can view more information on the webpost here, and the full guidelines are reproduced below and availables on the IEEE CASS website here.

The submission form link is here.


To provide financial assistance to IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) Student Members to enable them to present their research work at CASS flagship conferences.


The amount of financial assistance provided to each student should not exceed $1,500 per student.  The total amount allocated will be $70,000 per year. These grants can only be used as a reimbursement of expenses for travel to CASS Flagship conferences taking place during the year the award is given. Please note, that the final amount given to the awardee will be based on expenses incurred by the student to attend the conference, not to exceed the awarded amount. The awarded amount will be financed through the standard IEEE travel expense reimbursement process.


Funded through the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society operating budget.


The financial assistance will be provided for travel through standard IEEE travel expense reimbursement process.


Student(s) receiving these grants must have had their papers selected for presentation at the CASS flagship conference(s) they plan to attend or have attended within the current year that the award is being given.

  • In the case the grant is for attending a conference occurring after the grant application deadline, a faculty member must confirm that the nominee:
    • is an undergraduate or graduate student and
    • is an IEEE CASS student member.
  • In the case of reimbursement for attending a conference that occurred before the application deadline, it is sufficient to confirm that the nominee:
    • was an undergraduate or graduate student at the time of the conference, and
    • is an IEEE CASS member and
    • was an IEEE CASS student member at the time of the conference.
  • The nominee must furnish written proof that the paper was accepted at the conference (e.g. email notification from the Technical Program Committee).
  • The nominee must state in the application that he/she will attend or has attended the conference to present the paper.


Must be an active undergraduate or graduate student member of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society at the time of the nomination. Students must have had their papers selected for presentation at the CASS flagship conference they plan to attend or have attended. A faculty member must confirm that the nominee is an undergraduate or graduate student and that he/she is an IEEE CASS member. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter.) 


The nominator is responsible for submitting the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Student Travel Grant nomination by following the guidelines provided on the CASS website. The nominator is responsible for adhering to the following guidelines.

  • A letter from a faculty member to confirm that the nominee is an undergraduate or graduate student and an IEEE CASS Student Member.

  • Written proof that the paper was accepted at the CASS flagship conference.

  • Proof that the nominee has or will attend the conference in-person during the current award year.

  • Self-nominations are permitted.

The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Student Travel Grant subcommittee and the CASS Operations Office will receive all nominations. Both will keep the nominations confidential. Nominations will be solicited through four calls each year. Nominations will not be accepted after the deadline of the given call.  Nominations should comply with IEEE Policies and restrictions on awards.  Incidents of misconduct including, but not limited to, violations of IEEE’s publication policies, will be strongly considered by the awards committee and may be grounds for denial of an award or leadership position.

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Student Travel Grants are given annually to multiple recipients with four calls throughout the year and will be given only if suitable recipients are identified.

Information also available here.

Recognition Type


Recognition Category

Student Awards